American Genius Tyres invested in the manufacture of a completely new tyre (without the old retreading process) with the design of the VERSATILE model that is already established in Brazil.
This strategy was adopted to increase the quality of the tyres and to optimize the export logistics to other countries in Europe and South America.
We are very proud to bring to the off-road market a robust and balanced tyre that guarantees a smooth ride on asphalt with great traction power and control on the trails.
Its structure is made up of 6 layers and the rubber has a compound that gives it durability.
It should be noted that even so, it is a tyre made for off-road use, and on asphalt routes it must be driven at low speeds for safety reasons.

Versatile tire, has good performance on the streets and great off-road performance
If it was simple, anybody could arrive
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+55 (15) 3222-9222
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+1 (407) 446-2270